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Elizabeth Peratrovich Event Friday, February 14th —Saturday, February 22nd

February 16th is Elizabeth Peratrovich Day and to honor her legacy the City Museum will host a week-long program beginning Friday, February 14th. Community members are invited to come to the museum to participate in activities and to learn more about Elizabeth Peratrovich. The film, For the Rights of All: Ending Jim Crow in Alaska will play on demand, and Elizabeth Peratrovich scavenger-hunt booklets for all ages will be available at the front desk. Collaborative projects created by Juneau students as a tribute to Elizabeth Peratrovich will also be on display.

On February 5th, 1945, Elizabeth Peratrovich addressed the Territorial Senate during its debate on the anti-discrimination bill. At that time Elizabeth was the grand president of the Alaska Native Sisterhood. Elizabeth gave a powerful speech about racism and injustice. Enough senators were moved by Elizabeth’s speech that the Alaska Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945 was passed and then signed into law on February 16th, 1945. Alaska recognizes February 16th as Elizabeth Peratrovich Day because this is the date the Equal Rights Act was signed into law.

114 West 4th St., Juneau, AK 99801