Whoa bear!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 8:00 AM

Welcome to bear country!

Alaska is a state full of bears: black bears, brown bears, and way up north, polar bears. Here in Juneau, we’re accustomed to walking up on black bears during hikes or while camping, and even having them lumber through our

Five reasons to appreciate the rain

Friday, July 19, 2024 5:00 PM

As a coastal mountain community along the Inside Passage, Juneau gets its fair share of “liquid sunshine.” We are surrounded by a 1500-square-mile icefield and located in part of the 17-million-acre Tongass National Forest (the largest temperate

Fireweed: Alaska's Summer Calendar

Tuesday, July 9, 2024 4:00 PM by Travel Juneau

The familiar deep pink fireweed that is blooming around Juneau right now serves as Juneau’s calendar of how much summer is left. Plants continue to grow into June and blossoms begin to form. Fireweed starts blooming from the base of the flower moving

It's hiking season!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 2:00 PM by Travel Juneau

Juneauites love to hike, and we have a cool 250-miles of hiking trails to choose from. Juneau is a magical place and there is so much to discover. If you are ready to hit the trails and enjoy the amazing vistas, abundant waterfalls, chances to spot

Northwest Coast Art is all over Juneau, and you may well want to buy a piece of your own. But how do you know if what you’re buying is authentic? And why does that matter?

It matters a lot. Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI), located in the Walter

What do I pack?!?

Monday, June 17, 2024 3:00 PM

What do I pack?!?

Do you know that feeling when you’re two weeks out from your big trip to Juneau, Alaska and you realize you don’t know what to pack? Take a breath – we have you covered!

First things first: remember where you’re going and do a

Travel Juneau announced today the successful realization of the inaugural IRONMAN Alaska triathlon over the weekend of August 7, 2022. Travel Juneau secured the event in August 2021. Over 17 hours, the race included swim, cycle, and run courses, with

How to Explore Southeast Alaska with the Alaska Marine Highway System

Odds are if you are viewing this page, you are aware of the unique way in which you must travel when you are in Southeast Alaska, also known as the Inside Passage. If you've

How to go Above and Beyond in Juneau this summer

If Alaska is the Last Frontier full of wilderness and adventure, Juneau is the city that makes it accessible. Whether you want to walk on a glacier, kayak with humpback whales, or observe coastal brown

Five Reasons to Visit Juneau, Alaska this Winter

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 9:00 AM by Travel Juneau

Warning - the below content is for snow lovers only.

Most people think about Juneau, Alaska as a summer destination; the land of the Midnight sun that is full of wildlife, grand landscapes, and adrenaline-pumping activities. But what if we told you