Bear Creek Outfitters
Ursus arcto terriblis - The North American Grizzly Bear, or as we call them in Alaska, Brown Bears are a majestic symbol of the wilderness experience.
A pioneer in Brown Bear Viewing in South East Alaska for over 20yrs, with some of the most experienced guides in the business we have trips on remote wilderness streams and estuaries through exclusive floatplane access. Small guide:client ratios.
Waterfall Creek Bear Viewing: (5.5 hours including 3.5 hours at remote location. Available July through September) Prepare for a once-in-a-lifetime experience that we were first to offer access to via float plane that allows an unparalleled view of this grand and majestic animal fishing in the Great Alaskan Wild. This remote and undeveloped site gives chances to see Grizzlies fishing in a more intimate space.
Pack Creek Brown Bear Sanctuary: (5.5 hours Available May 5th-25th September) Once-in-a-lifetime Alaskan adventures take place at Pack Creek Brown Bear Sanctuary! Experience the world-renowned site located 30 air miles outside of Juneau, on Admiralty Island National Monument (called Kootznoowoo or "Fortress of the Bear" in Tlingit). Enjoy a sightseeing floatplane ride to and from Pack Creek followed by 3.5hrs exploring the bears world.
Brown Bear & Wildlife Viewing Expedition: (Customize your adventure. Available July through September) Want to hike a remote part of the Tongass National Forest without anyone else around? Customizable exclusive trips allow an uninhabited look into the world of this grand and majestic animal of the Great Alaskan Wild.
*Exclusive Tour - Space is extremely limited.
Ferry Shuttle Service:
Airport Shuttle Service:
- Time to Centennial Hall Convention Center: 15
- Time to Juneau International Airport: 5
Open Summer Only:
Snacks Provided:
Fishing Licenses Available:
Private Tours Available:
Small Luxury Tours:
All Day:
Half Day:
Mobile Payments Accepted:
Open For Business: